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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 257
A Poet’s Guide to a Rewarding and Joyous Festive Season
‘Christmas gives us the opportunity to be the best we can be.’
Combining Passion and Compassion with Purpose and Action
Photo credit: BBC
Christmas is a story of hope
When Hope Lights Up The Darkness
Christmas is all about Camaraderie and Community, Family and Friends
A Time to Weave a New and Hopeful Tapestry of Life
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 1366
First posted on 18 December 2020
Updated on 7 December 2024
“The night might seem endless, but dawn is surely near, and with it, the promise of light.”- Hafez, the Persian sage, poet and philosopher of love
The winter solstice is the day of the year with the fewest hours of daylight. In the northern hemisphere this date falls in December every year. In 2024 the winter solstice will occur on Saturday 21 December.
‘This image, a composite of dozens of photographs taken by Astronomy Photographer of the Year 2021 entrant György Soponyai, shows the changing arcs of the Sun throughout the year. The smallest arc at the bottom marks the winter solstice, and the largest one at the top the summer solstice. The band in the middle is the 'equinox', with roughly equal hours of day and night.’- Photo via Royal Museums Greenwich
Welcome, Yule!
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 316
Teachers as Poets: The Architects of the Transformational Change
Reclaim Your Heart and Discover Your Soul
Nota bene
‘We become teachers for the reasons of the heart.
But many of us lose heart as time goes by.
How can we take heart, alone and together,
So we can give heart to our students and our world,
Which is what good teachers do?'-THE HEART OF A TEACHER
‘Humanity is at the core of what a poem is. It is meaning, empathy, revelation, inversion, dissidence, passion, and surprise: poetry is what happens in the space between logic and chaos.’- Joelle Taylor, poet, playwright and author
Whilst the forces of fakery, arrogance, loneliness, violence, indifference, rejection, physical and mental disabilities, injustice, and inhumanity are real and cannot be denied, so are the powers of human authenticity, generosity, kindness, empathy, humility, dignity, understanding, courage, and community that are rising up to meet them, challenging them, providing better paths to this journey we call life.
- In Search of Meaning and Purpose: The Poets’ Guide to Politics
- In Search of Meaning and Purpose: The Poets' Guide to Economics
- Neoliberal Economics: A house of ill repute, Built on a shifting sand.
- These are what I have learned from 45 years of teaching economics
- Make Economics ‘Kind’ and Build a Better World