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‘From Westminster to Whitehall, elites are failing and our political system is collapsing.’

'Why Are Our Politicians So Crap?'

How much more destruction should they cause for us to take their CRAPNESS seriously?

If this is not the time to wake up, then, when is it?

I was Boris Johnson’s boss: he is utterly unfit to be prime minister Photo:flickriver.com

Brexit: The Key Lessons- Now is the time for hope to build on the ruins

The ‘Independence Day’, Not Long to Go!

How Low a 'Crap' Can Fall?

This man is the leader of the House of Commons!

'It was one of the most consequential debates in parliamentary history. Indeed, the grave subject of whether or not to hand control of the Brexit process to those seeking to avoid no deal appeared to weigh particularly heavily on the shoulders of Jacob Rees-Mogg, who spent a significant portion of the time slouched on the government front bench.'-The Guardian

You see my friends, when you privatise and deregulate everything, then, sooner or later, you start to privatise and deregulate yourself, losing your identity and moral compass, not knowing who/what/why you are, and become a total moron and crap!’



‘Unquestionably the trust in UK politicians is at an all time low. A steady decrease in trust has taken place for over 10 years, fuelled by different scandals, particularly the expenses debacle and more recently, everyone’s favourite topic they are fed up with, Brexit. However, there is far more to it as Jeremy Paxman attempts to reveal in this hour long programme on Channel 5. Searching deeply into the past he seeks through other issues raised by the public, including first past the post, spin doctoring, putting their own interests before that of the electorate, their class background, the list goes on and on…’ TVMucho   See also: AVAILABLE ON MY5


Incompitent, Untrustworthy, Corrupt, Selfish, Greedy, Self-serving,...you name it!

This is what we think about our Politicians.

The pertinent questions must surely be: But Why?

What Has Gone Wrong, and How it May be Put Right Again? 

There are for sure many reasons for such an outcome. But, to my mind, the main reason is NEOLIBERALISM, which was worshipped and introduced to this country, by MARGARET THATCHER, (whilst the same was implimented in the US by Ronald Reagan. It is interesting to note that both countries are now facing the same crisis!)  

Photo: How Milton Friedman's Neo-Liberalism Destroyed the Economy of the US and the UK

In Britain, Thatcher destroyed every good value this country once had, and now today, her so-called foolish children, learning their lessons from her, have excelled themselves and have become a bunch of carp buffoons, good for nothing.

You see my friends, when you privatise and deregulate everything, then, sooner or later, you start to privatise and deregulate yourself, losing your identity and moral compass, not knowing who/what/why you are, and become a total moron and crap! 

Let me remind you of what I had noted years ago, very much relevant to why politicians, and indeed, a hell of a lot more, have become nothing but useless crap!

Nota bene

Neoliberalism: The Broken Economic Model

(First published as an email to the GCGI members in May 2011)

Dear Friends,

“Do you remember that Margaret Thatcher, the so-called Iron Lady!! She told the Brits that she was going to put the “Great” back into the “Great” Britain. Do you remember? Then, she told us this can only happen if we accept and implement the “Washington Consensus”, the so-called dreaded neo-liberalism. She told us that there was no alternative. She told us we will all prosper and develop more fairly and equitably. She won election after elections. Everything was privatised, deregulated, self-regulated. Industry, manufacturing, (the real economy) was destroyed. Instead, the banks and the bankers were encouraged to rule the world. The economists with no principles and values were “bought” and the business schools, such as Harvard and Columbia were showered with money to act as “Cheerleaders” for the dreaded neoliberalism (see the Inside Job for evidence). Communities were dis-mantled and dis-organised. We were told that there is nothing as a society and community. We are all in it just for ourselves, we were told. Destructive competition at the expense of life-enhancing cooperation, collaboration and dialogue was greatly prompted. We were told to say no to love, kindness, generosity, sympathy and empathy and say yes to selfishness, individualism and narcissism, as these values will fire the engine of capitalism and wealth creation! In short, the hell with the common good, we were encouraged to believe.

We were brained-washed. Our other Prime Ministers repeated her nonsense and have carried on her footsteps. It is now over 30 years since the neo-liberalism experiment in Britain. Are we any “Greater” than we were in 1979? Are we any fairer or more equitable? The country is nearly bankrupt, with public and private debt at unprecedented levels, with the greatest levels of poverty and wealth disparity ever. The house of neo-liberal capitalism is now at its nadir of decadence.”

You see, all those interested in life’s bigger picture, have been saying the same, over and over. The neo-liberals are not in touch with humanity. They will prostitute all in the interest of profit maximization, cost minimization, highest return to shareholders, and the biggest and juiciest bonuses for the CEOs and their lackeys.”- The Broken Economic Model

Other Main Reasons for Our State of Crappiness

Values-less Education and Narcissism (Both the Consequences of Neoliberalism)

Neoliberalism destroys human potential and devastates values-led education

Britain today and the Bankruptcy of Ideas, Vision and Values-less Education Details

Read more on the devastation, destruction and lies of neoliberalism:

Death and Destruction on Brothers’ Road to Serfdom

The World brought down to its knees: The Fallacy of Friedrich Hayek, Milton Friedman and their disciples

The Destruction of our World and the lies of Milton Friedman

The Neoliberal Road to Serfdom

People’s Tragedy: Neoliberal Legacy of Thatcher and Reagan

Neoliberalism destroys human potential and devastates values-led education

Neoliberalism and the rise in global loneliness, depression and suicide

Why are people in the US living shorter lives?

The Story of Thatcher’s Privatisation Series: Rewarding of Greed and Incompetence for fleecing the public

Selling off our Motherland: The Biggest Crime of the Broken Economic Model

Economic Growth: The Index of Misery

Further reading on why there is so much crap around!

Britain today and the Bankruptcy of Ideas, Vision and Values-less Education

The Age Of Perpetual Crisis: What are we to do in a world seemingly spinning out of our control?

British democracy is brought to its knees

...And now read about the possible paths on how we may put right what has so tragically gone wrong, on how to stop death and destruction and how we may begin to value and nurture life again

I am positive and hopeful. We can change the world for the better. Come with me on this journey of self discovery in the interest of the common good

Yes, We can win over death and destruction, the neoliberalism, If we listen to the Voice of Hope, echoing across the world,

Composing a New Life


The Value of Values: Why Values Matter

Pursuing Common Values: A Call to Recover our Moral and Spiritual Imagination, Transforming Society

Remaking Economics in an age of economic soul-searching

The World would be a Better Place if Economists had Read This Book

In Praise of Darwin Debunking the Self-seeking Economic Man

Composing a New Life: In Praise of Wisdom

Brexit, Trump and the failure of our universities to pursue wisdom

Calling all academic economists: What are you teaching your students?

Values-free, Market- Driven Education: What a Disaster!

The Journey to Sophia: Education for Wisdom

What is a University?

My Economics and Business Educators’ Oath: My Promise to My Students

What might an Economy for the Common Good look like?

The Age Of Perpetual Crisis: What are we to do in a world seemingly spinning out of our control?