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Cultivating a Living Wisdom for Our Time

A Path to Discovering Beauty and the Beauty of Creation and the Creator

'Behind the beauty of the moon is the MoonMaker.'

There is Intelligence inside the ocean’s intelligence

Feeding our love like an invisible waterwheel.'

‘Nothing I say can explain to you Divine Love. Yet all of creation cannot seem to stop talking about it.’-Rumi

There is, indeed, a beauty on earth that is beyond comprehension.

“Come, come, whoever you are. Wanderer, worshiper, lover of leaving. It doesn't matter. Ours is not a caravan of despair. come, even if you have broken your vows a thousand times. Come, yet again , come , come.”Jalaluddin Rumi, The Persian Sage of Beauty, Wisdom and Love.

Come, come, whoever you are, come

Do you hear that voice calling you, calling us?

That voice which calls us together here today. That voice which calls us to remember that we are not alone and that we are inextricably linked to all other life—woven into a vast tapestry of existence of which we are a powerful, integral, and holy part.

And just as we have been called together here today, we act as the voice—the heart—the hands of another call:

Walk with the wanderers

Sing and dance with the worshipers

Proclaim the memory of those who have taken their leave

Wrap the despairing and the broken in the arms of love and community

And hold the hands of all of us who have broken our vows and call us back—again and again—to the covenant and work of justice, humility, and steadfast faithfulness.

For this we are here together today. So, my friends, come, yet again; come let us be together.

In search of beauty, wisdom and love? Then, come, come, whoever you are come

On this beautiful day, the day of reflection, wondering, pondering and discovery, I thought I need to divert my thinking from what is on offer in most of the media- all negative, sad and misleading news; promoting intolerance, xenophobia, fear, hopelessness and despair. Driving us all insane.

I wanted to see how I can bring a bit of sanity and inner peace to myself. I began to think about the biggest question: What is, who is, where is, the ultimate beauty, wisdom and love, and how I may reach it?

I searched. And then, I discovered this most beautiful video, telling the story- A story in the most beautiful words and poetry from the land of my birth.

Please try to watch this video. Believe me you will not be disappointed. Indeed, I am sure, you will be delighted.

The words and the song are in the beautiful and poetic Persian with English subtitles.

Watch the video: "Jewel of Love"


"Jewel of Love" is a very beautiful mystical poem by Rumi about "Divine Love" with English subtitles! An eternal fire that connects us all regardless of our race, religion and beliefs.  Wishing all infinite love in every passage of your lives.

Music: Traditional Persian song, with English subtitles.

Singer: Shahram Nazeri

Song: "Jewel of Love" from "Mystified" album

'Jewel of Love': Lyrics in Persian, as Rumi wrote them

شد ز غمت خانه سودا دلم

در طلبت رفت به هر جا دلم

در طلب زهره رخ ماه رو

می نگرد جانب بالا دلم

خاطرش گشتم و آخر ز بخت

رفت بر این گنبد مینا دلم

در طلب زهره رخ ماه رو

می نگرد جانب بالا دلم

می نگرد جانب بالا دلم

آه که امروز دلم را چه شد

آه که امروز دلم را چه شد

دوش چه گفته است کسی با دلم

دوش چه گفته است کسی با دلم

شد ز غمت خانه سودا دلم

در طلبت رفت به هر جا دلم

خاطرش گشتم و آخر ز بخت

رفت بر این گنبد مینا دلم

رفت بر این گنبد مینا دلم

در طلب گوهر دریای عشق

موج زند موج موج چو دریا چو دریا دلم

موج زند موج موج چو دریا چو دریا دلم

از دل تو در دل من نکتههاست

وه چه ره است از دل تو تا دلم

وه چه ره است از دل تو تا دلم

گر نکنی بر دل من رحمتی

گر نکنی بر دل من رحمتی

وای دلم وای دلم وا دلم

وای دلم وای دلم وا دلم

ای تبریز در هوس شمس العشق

چند رود سوی ثریا دلم

چند رود سوی ثریا دلم

Lyrics powered by www.musixmatch.com

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