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Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI)

Announcing the 11th Annual International Conference

Call for Presentation and Participation

From Oxford 2002 to Paris 2013: Portrait of a Great Journey for the Common Good

Plater College, Oxford (2002)- St. Petersburg, Russia (2003)- Dubai, UAE (2004)- Nairobi and Kericho, Kenya(2005)- Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (2006)-Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey (2007)- Trinity College, University of Melbourne, Australia (2008)- Loyola University, Chicago, USA (2009)- California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California, USA (2010)- Alexandria Bibliotheca, Alexandria, Egypt (2011—Postponed, due to the Revolution in Egypt)- School of Economic Science, Oxford Campus, Waterperry House, Oxford (2012)- Cité universitaire internationale/ The INSTITUT CEDIMES, Paris (2013)

Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI)

A Gathering of Voices on Caring for Creation

Annual Conference Series

Imagining a Better World: An Intergenerational Dialogue for the Common Good to Inspire a Creative Leadership”

Sunday August 25- Wednesday August 28, 2013

With Optional Post Conference tour of Paris

Wednesday August 28- Friday August 30, 2013

(Welcome to Paris: See the Sights& Sounds:

Paris vu du Ciel de Yann Arthus-Bertrand

http://www.dailymotion.com/video/xe4nih_paris-vu-du-ciel-de-yann-arthus-ber_news )

Conference hosted at

Cité universitaire internationale, Paris


Watch a short Presentation: 

Corporate movie of the Cité internationale universitaire de Paris (subtitled in English)


In association with

Leading Universities in Paris,


Centre d' Etudes du Développement International et des Mouvements Economiques et Sociaux' (Centre for Studies in International Development and Economic and Social Movements)



And with support of

Youth Time/ Rhodes Youth Forum


(More supporters to be listed)

The GCGI is pleased to announce the eleventh international conference of the Globalisation for the Common Good Conference Series from Sunday August 25 to Wednesday August 28, 2013 to be held at Cité universitaire internationale in association with the INSTITUT CEDIMES, entitled:“Imagining a Better World: An Intergenerational Dialogue for the Common Goodto Inspire a Creative Leadership”..

Call for Presentations

“What is the unfolding story of the next decades?

The rise of today’s youth, leading the world, with hope, inspiration, imagination and wisdom in the interest of the common good, to change our troubled world for the better”

In the last week of August 2013, we who come from many different countries, regions, civilisations, cultures and faiths, will come together out of a deep concern about the persistent multiple crises that we see in our communities and around the world. We represent a broad spectrum of age groups from the very young to senior citizens.

To this meeting of generations, we will bring our experience, our perspectives, our hopes, and our desire to learn from one another. Through drama, play, music, arts, poetry, research, scholarship, presentations, workshops and plenary sessions, we hope and expect to find a way to communicate across cultures and ages.

We will endeavour to develop insights that we will carry with us when we return to our communities. We will try to suggest new possibilities for building stronger relationships, families, communities, and nations through partnerships between youth and adults. We issue this Call to Action to draw attention to the ways that the lives and the fates of all across the spectrum of generations are interconnected.

We invite all people of good will, who are willing to share our hope and dreams for a better world to join our forum in Paris, in order to urge more effective and informed action to make the dream a reality.

*The key objective of our GCGI Paris Conference is to advance youth as a value-creating resource, building on scholarship, intergenerational dialogue, and the commitment to the global common good.

Other main objectives include the following:

*Promoting and advancing the universal values, principles and objectives of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, and the United Nations Environment Programme, as well as the United Nations General Assembly resolution on International Youth Day, and the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilisations”,

*Understanding and respecting cultural diversity as the common heritage of humanity,

*Strengthening international cooperation in the protection of the world's natural, cultural, intellectual and scientific heritage for our common humanity,

*Advancing established and new knowledge for sustainable development, the preservation of biodiversity, and the conservation of the environment,

*Advancing values-led education,

*To engage in creative common action for peace, non-violence, health, social and economic justice, and human rights,

*Encouraging volunteerism and service,

*Future leaders and global business values,

*Social entrepreneurship, sustainability, and the youth,

*The youth and the global responsible media and reporting,

*To develop and share – in collaborative networks and with a strong emphasis on the youth – new models and roadmaps for community, leadership, good governance and transparency at every level of society,

*To dedicate ourselves, our organisations, and our communities to spiritually motivated social engagement for the good of all,

*To imagine "Education of My Dream",

*To imagine the "World of My Dream".

The power of values-led life: Commitment to the Common Good

Today many of the youth of the world have committed themselves to build a world that is just, free and prosperous for all, by promoting and practicing the true human values of love, compassion, justice, dialogue, truthfulness, honesty, trustworthiness, humility, courtesy, hard work, dedication, commitment, sympathy, empathy, volunteerism and service. Values such as these should never be underestimated; the power of a value-led life coupled with the commitment and the passion of young activists is a force for change that cannot be matched. Such youth are empowering the world for the common good.

These qualities, essential for the moulding of character, must be internalised, and be expressed in daily action, whether in the context of family, community, country, or the world at large. The youth aspire to be an instrument of peace, promoting dialogue, advancing justice, so that we can all realise our dreams. The dream of young people has become the dream of the older generation. Their hope is now the common hope.

Whilst paraphrasing the wise words of the United Nations Secretary- General, and echoing his hope, it can be seen that, around the world, there is growing recognition of the need to strengthen policies and investments involving young people. We call on Governments, the private sector, civil society and academia to open doors for young people and strengthen partnerships with youth-led organizations. Youth can determine whether this era moves toward greater peril or more positive change.

We know that the best ideals of young people are inspired by so much wisdom of previous generations some of it very ancient.  In standing upon such ideals and wisdom we proclaim that it is possible to change our troubled world for the better, enabling us to build a world fit for the common good.

Imagining a Better World: An Intergenerational Dialogue for the Common Good to Inspire a Creative Leadership

The GCGI Paris Conference is intended to be a multi- and inter-disciplinary dialogue that aims to bring together people from a wide range of disciplines, professions, ages and NGOs to focus on what “Imagining a Better World: An Intergenerational Dialogue for the Common Good to Inspire a Creative Leadership” means and entails. We seek contributions from both practitioners and academics, and from the widest possible range of intellectual interests and commitment.

The great relevance and timeliness of this topic, and its theme, hardly needs to be stated: nothing is of greater importance at present than the necessity of keeping rigorous and constructive debate and dialogue between different disciplines, ideas, values, generations, visions and dreams to address the multitude of global challenges. We are convinced that much of the ongoing and steadily exacerbating discord arises from an unwillingness to communicate and bridge gaps in understanding, especially where issues of religion, philosophy, ethics, spirituality, gender, generational dialogue, economics, globalisation and capitalism are concerned.

In the spirit of dialogue, seeking alternative possible solutions, the conference, as well as its main theme, highlighted above, will also attempt to debate questions, such as:

Which paths should be recommended to shift the current destructive global political-economic order from one of unrestrained economic growth, profit maximisation and cost minimisation, leading to ecological degradation, and social inequity to one that preserves and enhances social and ecological well-being, as well as human happiness, contentment, and well-being?

Which ethical/spiritual sources should be considered in economic/business ethics and economic behaviour? How are the deeper needs of Happiness, meaningful life, death and beyond, community life, virtues, and values affected? How can we integrate these into economic theories and decisions? How can we deal with individual or institutionalized greed and self-absorption?  What should be the role of universities in building an integrity-based model of business education?  What are the requirements of a virtuous economy? How can we overcome poverty and scarcity with limited natural resources? What is the role of the next generation of business leaders? How should the training of young executives be directed? How should it supply insights into the nature of globalisation from diverse economic, technological, and spiritual perspectives? How should such education build support relationships among the participants that will lead to a deeper appreciation of the ethical aspects of business and finance; leading toward action for the common good within their chosen careers? In short, how can the intended outcome develop insight, commitment, and moral capacity in the participants to serve as leaders in the world community, working toward the global common good?

*In short, how can the intended outcome develop insight, commitment and capacity in the participants to serve as leaders in the world community, working toward the global common good?

Submission of Abstracts

The conference welcomes abstracts from academicians, researchers, activists, youth forums, organizers, officials, post-grad/ doctoral students, artists, film makers, musicians, photographers, social media, technology and IT and others specializing in a range of disciplines, including, education, theology, philosophy, ethics, history, political science, international relations, conflict analysis and peace research, economics, business studies, law, sociology, media studies and journalism, arts and entertainment, psychology, health sciences and medicine, environmental studies, and geography. Contributions are also invited from persons in government, civil society, diplomacy, law, the media, the health professions and business, as well as those involved in religious and Interreligious/ intercultural/ intercivilisational dialogue.

Proposals should be received no later than Monday, April 1, 2013. We welcome early submission of abstracts.

Proposals should include:

  • Title of proposed presentation, workshop, or roundtable.
  • A 250-word abstract, highlighting the proposal's relevance to one or other of the key themes outlined above.
  • Author's name and institutional affiliation (if any); as well as an up-to 100 words biographical note on the presenter. Please include your email address and website, if available.

All proposals will be assessed by an inter-disciplinary committee, and applicants will be informed of the Organizing Committee's decision in an ongoing process, so as to facilitate the applicants’ travelling arrangements.

Please note:

Papers, Presentations and Workshops Papers should be of no more than 15 minutes duration (2000 words max). This is to allow ample time for Q&A period. The time allotted to workshops will be considered on an individual basis. Other forms of presentation will be considered on request.

Presenters are strongly encouraged not to read their papers verbatim: draft papers, or at least a working summary of it will be available on the web site prior to the conference beginning. We hope that presenters will instead speak to the significant points raised in their papers, encouraging dialogue, engagement and a rewarding debate. The GCGI does not accept papers for presentation in abstention or via electronic means.

Ways of Speaking

We have a strong commitment to providing opportunities for conference participants to interact, converse, dialogue, and learn from each other. Built in to the conference programme are a number of sessions and events that are designed specifically to promote interactions among the Conference participants. These range from more formal plenary sessions, through parallel presentations, to informal coffee breaks and optional activities.

Plenary Sessions

Plenary sessions are scheduled once or more per day, for all participants to attend. Invited speakers address the group with formal presentations on topics of common interest, which can then serve as "touchstones" for subsequent conversations among delegates throughout the conference. Speakers are chosen on the basis of their scholarship, experience, and expertise, as well as on the relevance of their topic to the community. Suggestions for plenary speakers are welcomed; please email us with the name, contact information, and a brief overview of the potential speaker/s’ work or intended topic.

Plenary sessions also serve as sources of information about the conference structure and activities, particularly the Opening Session on the first day of the conference.

Parallel Sessions

Conference delegates present their work in Parallel Sessions scheduled throughout the day. In keeping with our value of interactions among delegates, these sessions are designed to allow opportunities for ample discussion following the formal presentations. Parallel Sessions consist of a mixture of:

Thematic Paper Sessions: Individual paper presentations that are organized into thematic areas by the conference’s scientific committee. Papers on a common topic, or representing different perspectives on an issue, are presented sequentially in a session, with group discussion following to consider the ideas and implications arising from the papers as a set of ideas.

Roundtable Discussions: Individual authors have an assigned table during a session to review and discuss the ideas, frameworks, and perspectives underlying their work with interested delegates who gather at the table.

Workshops: Interactive sessions in which skills or concepts are taught, demonstrated, or explored.

Colloquia: Groups of 3 to 5 colleagues present separate papers on a common topic or theme.

Poster/Exhibits: Individual participants present visual displays (posters) of the status of their work, or exhibits of artwork, models, or other products.

Talking Circles

Talking Circles give shape to a conference that is wide-ranging in its scope and broad-minded in its interests. Delegates have the opportunity to interact around the key ideas of the conference away from the formalities of the plenary, paper, workshop and colloquium sessions. These are places for the cross-fertilization of ideas, where cycles of conversation are begun, and relationships and networks formed. Their intention is to find a common ground of shared meanings and experiences in which differences are recognized and respected. Through the conversations begun and sustained by Talking Circles, the group proposes themes, questions, and foci for the community and conference the following year.

Publications Process All papers accepted for and presented at the conference will be eligible for inclusion in our e-journal, Journal of Globalization for the Common Good, which is hosted at Purdue University, USA.

Selected papers may be invited to go forward for development into 15-20 page chapters for publication in a themed ISBN hard copy volume. The decision whether to proceed to hard copy publication will be taken by the Organising Chairs, the host institute, and the Steering Group within four weeks of the conference close and is subject to availability of funding.

*Please note that travel arrangements and costs are the responsibility of participants or their sponsoring institutions. The Conference Conveners are not able to offer financial support. However, as with other GCGI conferences, we will do our best, working as volunteers, drawing no income, organising the conference as a non-profit making event and more, to keep the costs to absolute minimum. Moreover, as in the past, if we succeed in developing collaborative ventures with others who wish to volunteer some funding, then, we will subsidise the costs even further for the benefit of all the participants.

This self-sustaining funding mechanism has been a key lynch pin of our independence and integrity. At no point in our history has the GCGI been so reliant on external sources that if external funding is removed, the GCGI cannot continue.

Please submit your abstract to Prof. Kamran Mofid 

Emails: k.mofid@gcgi.info 

Travelling arrangements, accommodation, registration and fees

*Conference Venue and accommodation

The Conference venue is at Cité universitaire internationale, Paris (http://www.ciup.fr/en/) and the Conference is residential.

*Travel Information

Please carefully note

The participants are responsible for their own travels to Paris and to Cité universitaire internationale.

*Registration and Fees

(Please kindly note: The GCGI is a wholly non-profit-making initiative. Our philosophy and ethos is based on volunteerism and service for the common good. Therefore, it is important to appreciate this, whilst noting the fees.)

Full Conference Fees (excluding accommodation): Sunday August 25 to Wednesday August 28 (after lunch): 450 euros per person

*To cover admittance to all presentations, breakfasts, morning and afternoon tea/ coffee breaks, lunches and dinners and the Conference Dinner on Tuesday 27 August, as well as all taxes and VAT.


The Cité internationale univeristaire (ciup.fr) offer excellent accommodation in historic surroundings with unique architecture.

A) Standard bedroom: 35 euros (shared bathrooms) pppn

B) With bathroom: 45 euros pppn

More superior bedrooms:

C) Single room: 69 euros for a ‘standard’ one, or 78 euros for a ‘confort’ one pppn

D) Twin rooms: 89 euros for a ‘standard’ or 96 euros for a ‘confort’ one

Therefore, total fee will be:

Option A- 105+450= 555 euros pp

Option B- 135+450= 585 euros pp

Option C- 207 (standard) +450= 657 euros pp

234 (comfort) +450= 684 euros pp

Option D- 267 (standard) +900= 1167 euros (for two persons)

288 (comfort) +900= 1188 euros (for two persons)

(More details about the rooms will be provided at the Common Good Forum-Paris website)

Payment of Fees

All the details will be provided at a later date

Optional Post-Conference tour-Paris

Wednesday 28 August to Friday 30 August 2013

A) Accommodation:  As above

B) Fees (Excluding accommodation: 100 euros per day/per person)