Julia Kinash, President of the International Movement Youth Time, Prague, Czech Republic
It all started in October, 2010 when 150 young people from more than 30 countries were gathered together on the Rhodes Island inspired by the will to share their ideas and concerns about the current issues and the nearest future. Different backgrounds, unique experiences and cultural diversity have become the converging point which allowed them to establish a dialogue and stay connected for many years.
Initially Rhodes Youth Forum was established as a platform where youth can exchange ideas, freely express their views and – what I personally find very important – acquire and develop new skills. Since 2010 YT has conducted and supported various international youth events. Among them were three editions of the Rhodes Youth Forum, an International Competition "Space and the Future of Humanity", Youth Time Summer Schools, the India Youth Forum and many others. We know that Tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis ("Times change, and we change with them") and we intent to adjust to new trends and conditions. Nevertheless within 4 years already we try to stick to the initial plan to contribute to the better future. We try not only to react to the current tendencies in the youth society but to set and foresee them.
In 2012 we announced a new motto “From words to deeds” and again the Rhodes Youth Forum became the place where we could put theory into practice. More than 60 projects have been presented in different thematic sessions which were Education and Employment, Intercultural Projects, Media and Social Projects, Improving the Quality of Life. Members of the Jury selected three projects which are to be implemented this year. Yet we are proud to say that we already have positive results.
Nepal Youth Forum, one of the three winner projects of the RYF 2012, was been successfully held in Nepal, Kathmandu in February, 2013. 3 daylong session has been conducted with a theme “Youth Contributing for Peace”. It had brought together about 300 youths across the country and also 20 international delegates. As a result a 44-point charter was issued on the last day of the program which included demands like materializing the potentiality of youth leadership and support to the vulnerable youth.
Two more projects - Sampa Youth Resource Centre (SYRC) from Zambia and the Youth Society of Eco friendly and Renewable Technology (IYSERT) from India are to be launched in the nearest future. We are all looking forward to it not only because we are anxious to see tangible results of our common work for better future. At the same time we are driven by the enthusiasm and optimistic approach of the new generation of the YT community who are going to take part in the Rhodes Youth Forum this year.
In December 2010 signing a Manifesto of the Youth Time International Movement we identified the values and priorities which determine all activities of the Youth Time (YT). Among the primary goals for the YT community we declared two principles which I consider as indispensable ones in the context of this discussion. To avoid redundancy I would like to quote the YT manifesto. “YT defines its priorities as to facilitate the process of sharing knowledge, experience and values between generations and to preserve national and cultural identity while valuing unity and diversity”. I believe that these priorities which have already been transformed in our credo (principles) will also allow us to engage a beneficial dialogue here.
Its time to start! I wish us good luck.