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Final Programme

Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI)


School of Economic Science (SES)

12th Annual GCGI International Conference and the 2nd Joint GCGI and SES Forum

The Value of Values: Spiritual Wisdom in Everyday Life”

31 August- 4 September, 2014

Hosted at

Waterperry House | School of Economic Science

Waterperry House

From Oxford 2002 to Oxford 2014: Portrait of a Great Journey for the Common Good

Plater College, Oxford (2002)- St. Petersburg, Russia (2003)- Dubai, UAE (2004)- Nairobi and Kericho, Kenya(2005)- Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (2006)-Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey (2007)- Trinity College, University of Melbourne, Australia (2008)- Loyola University, Chicago, USA (2009)- California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California, USA (2010)- Alexandria Bibliotheca, Alexandria, Egypt (2011—Postponed, due to the Revolution in Egypt)- School of Economic Science, Oxford Campus, Waterperry House, Oxford (2012), Cité universitaire internationale, Paris (2013), and School of Economic Science, Oxford Campus, Waterperry House, Oxford (2014)

Final Programme 


Sunday, 31 August

1.00pm onwards: Arrival at Waterperry House

(Organised tours throughout the afternoon to see the Waterperry House Frescoes, painted in the traditional fresco way by members of the School’s art group. Taking six years to complete, and covering three storeys, it depicts scenes taken from Advaita philosophy)


Drink Reception




Welcome and Opening Remarks

Mr. Ian Mason, Principal of the School of Economic Science

Prof. Kamran Mofid, Founder, The Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative


Opening Address

Prof. Farhang Jahanpour

‘Walking the Mystical Path with Practical Feet: Iran's Mystical Legacy’

Monday, 1 September


Meditation& Deep Breathe

(Guide: Dr. Shirish Nathwani)



(Please note: All presentations throughout the conference are Keynote or Plenary. There are no breakout sessions. This is to ensure maximum participation at each session, and the continuation of debate, analysis and thought.

Keynote speakers will speak for maximum of 30 minutes and the remainder of the time is for Q&A.

Plenary speakers will speak for 20 minutes each and the remainder of the time is for Q&A.

This will enable the whole conference (speakers and delegates) to come together to maximise the time for dialogue and meaningful engagement.) 


Plenary I

The Power of Meditation and Spirituality: Healing ourselves, healing the world (I)

Moderator: Dr. Audrey Kitagawa



Keynote I

The Power of Meditation and Spirituality: Healing ourselves, healing the world (II)

Moderator: Peter Holland

Prof. Luk Bouckaert: Can Spirituality save the World?”


Tea/Coffee Break


Plenary II

Seeking meaning and purpose in the world of business and economics: The Value of Values (I)

Moderator: Ian Mason

Dr Peter Bowman: “The Value of Values in Economics”

Prof. Steve Szeghi: “Economics without Homo Economicus: Why it is needed and what it would look like”

Prof. Jamshid Damooei: “Economic Efficiency and Ethical Behavior: Exploring Ideas on Creation of Economic Values, Working of Virtuous Market, and Role of Profit”




Plenary III

Literature for a Better World

Moderator and Introductory Remarks: Anthony Werner

Prof. Rita Ghesquiere: “Literature as a mirror for leadership”


Plenary IV

Empathy, Ethics, and Spirituality to Build a Better World

Moderator: Sesto Castagnoli

Dr. Michael Britton: ‘Developing a Gentle Heart’

Dr. Audrey Kitagawa: ‘Loving Kindness and Compassion in Daily Life’

Dr. Gerrit De Vylder: ‘Kautilya versus Thiruvalluvar: Ethical Pragmatism versus Ethical Spirituality’

Laurent Ledoux: ‘Letting “it” lead through us- a brief account of the first spiritual steps of an ordinary manager’

7.00pm- late

Dinner in Oxford (Turkish Cuisine) hosted by the Dialogue Society (http://www.dialoguesociety.org/ )

*(Residential participants please assemble at the entrance hall by 6.00pm to board the coach to the dinner venue)

Tuesday, 2 September


Meditation& Deep Breathe

(Guide: Dr. Shirish Nathwani)




Keynote II

The Power of Meditation and Spirituality: Healing ourselves, healing the world (III)

Moderator: Prof. Kamran Mofid

Dr. Walter Schwimmer: “The spiritual heritage as a source of wisdom in the age of globalization”


Keynote III

The Power of Meditation and Spirituality: Healing ourselves, healing the world (IV)

Moderator: Prof. Steve Szeghi

Prof. Ulrich Duchrow: “Overcoming the Spirituality of Money by inter-religious solidarity for the Common Good”


Tea/Coffee Break


Plenary V

Seeking meaning and purpose in the world of business& economics: The Value of Values (III)

Moderator: Prof. Kamran Mofid

Rosemary Dewan: “A Call For Wholesome Schooling”

Paul Palmarozza: “The Value of Values in Business”

Peter Holland: “Family Businesses- Spirituality at Work”

Deon Cloete: “Organisational Spirituality: Exploring and re-purposing identity in complex organisational systems”




Waterperry Gardens: A Guided Tour



Dinner at Waterperry House


Concert by Discantus at Waterperry House Church

St Mary the Virgin, Waterperry, Oxfordshire

Discantus, a choir of about 30 voices, is widely experienced.  It has performed in many cities in the UK and has traveled to several different countries to give concerts.  Bruce Ramell is the leader of the choir and has led it since its formation in 1988

Wednesday, 3 September


Meditation& Deep Breathe

(Guide: Dr. Shirish Nathwani)




Keynote IV

Seeking meaning and purpose in the world of business& economics: The Value of Values (IV)

Moderator: Prof. Jamshid Damooei

Ian Mason: “Economics Unbound: the science of hope and prosperity”


Plenary VI

Seeking meaning and purpose in the world of business& economics: The Value of Values (V)

Moderator: Dr. Peter Bowman

Drs. Gherardo Giradi and Fabio Petito (Joint Paper): “Postsecular Reflections on the Value of the Stakeholder Approach in Business”


Tea/Coffee Break


Plenary VII

Seeking meaning and purpose in the world of Education

Moderator: Prof. Steve Szeghi

Prof. Ann Hallock: ‘Education and the Common Good’

Pendar Vatanian: ‘Mind Your Footprint 




Plenary VIII

The Dialogue of Science and Spirituality

Moderator and Introductory Remarks: Prof. Ann Hallock

Prof. Linda Groff: “Science and Spirituality: Solving GLobal-Local Problems with Meaning and Purpose”


Roundtable I

A Conversation and Dialogue: Let the Light Shine in

The Conference: The Value of Values: Spiritual Wisdom in Everyday Life”: Guided by Hope and Wisdom”


Conference Gala Dinner and the 3rd GCGI Award Presentation, hosted at Harris Manchester College, University of Oxford, (History - Harris Manchester College)

*(Residential participants please assemble at the entrance hall by 6.00pm to board the coach for Harris Manchester College)

Thursday, 4 September


Meditation& Deep Breathe

(Guide: Dr. Shirish Nathwani)




Gabriele Castagnoli: “The Way to Do is to Be”


Closing Remarks and Moving Forward

Co-chairs: Prof. Kamran Mofid and Ian Mason

10.00am   Close of Conference and farewell

List of Speakers

*Luk Bouckaert, emeritus professor of ethics at the Catholic University of Leuven (K.U. Leuven,) and President of the European SPES Forum, Belgium

*Dr. Michael Britton, Director, "Global Appreciative Culturing", USA; and Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, Norway

*Dr. Peter Bowman, University Preparatory Certificate for Science and Engineering, University College, and Head of Economics, School of Economic Science, London, UK

*Mr. Sesto Giovanni Castagnoli, Evolutant and Entrepreneur, Founder, WSF World Spirit Forum, Switzerland

*Mrs. Gabriele Castagnoli, Founder, oralab, Switzerland http://www.oralab.ch/english.html

*Deon Cloete, PhD candidate at the University of Stellenbosch Business School (USB) in Cape Town, South Africa

*Dr. Gerrit De Vylder, Faculty of Economics and Business Studies, Leuven University/Antwerp campus, Belgium

*Rosemary Dewan,Chief Executive, Human Values Foundation, UK

*Prof. Jamshid Damooei, Co-director, Centre for Leadership and Values, School of Management, California Lutheran University, USA

*Dr. Ulrich Duchrow, Professor of systematic theology at the University of Heidelberg, Germany and Co-founder and moderator of Kairos Europa

*Prof. Farhang  Jahanpour, former Professor and Dean of the Faculty of Languages at the University of Isfahan, part-time tutor at the Department of Continuing Education at the University of Oxford and a member of Kellogg College, University of Oxford

*Prof. Rita Ghesquière, emeritus professor of comparative literature at the Catholic University of Leuven (KULeuven, Belgium)

*Dr. Gherardo Girardi, Senior Lecturer in Economics, Faculty of Business & Law, London Metropolitan University, UK

*Prof. Linda Groff, Director, Global Options Consulting and Prof., Political Science & Future Studies, California State University, USA

*Ann Hallock, former Prof. Of behavioural medicine, Michigan State University, USA

*Mr. Peter Holland, School of Economic Science, London, UK

*Dr. Audrey E. Kitagawa, JD, President/Founder of the International Academy for Transcultural Cooperation, President, Light of Awareness International Spiritual Family

*Laurent Ledoux, President of the Belgian Ministry for Mobility & Transports, and leads the associations Philosophie & Management and Face2faith

*Mr. Ian Mason, Principal of the School of Economic Science, London, UK

*Prof. Kamran Mofid, Founder, Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI), UK

*Dr. Shirish Nathwani, Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh, member of the Spiritual Heritage Education Network (SHEN), Canada

*Mr. Paul Palmarozza, Partner, Principled Business, and Head of Philosophy in Business group, School of Economic Science, UK

Dr. Fabio Petito, Senior Lecturer in International Relations, Department of International Relations, University of Sussex, UK

*Dr. Walter Schwimmer, Former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Chairman of the International Coordination Committee (ICC) of the World Public Forum – Dialogue of Civilizations (WPFDC)

*Dr. Uli Spalthoff, Human Dignity and Humiliation Studies, Germany

*Prof. Steve Szeghi, Dept of Economics, Wilmington College, Ohio, USA

*Pendar Vatanian, Co-founder, MindYourFootprint CIC

*Mr. Anthony Werner, Editor-in-Chief, Shepheard-Walwyn Publishers, London, UK

Travel Information: How to get to Oxford


How to get to Waterperry Gardens and Waterperry House:


(Please note: Overseas delegates arriving at Heathrow or Gatwick, use “the Airline” bus service- see above: “How to get to Oxford”; all buses have OXF on the destination indicator; get off at “Park & Ride: Thornhill”. From here our team of volunteer drivers will pick you up and drive you to the conference venue free of charge.

The same service is also available to delegates from the UK, arriving at Oxford train or coach stations. On arrival, take the park and ride bus to the Thornhill Park& ride stop, from where our team of volunteer drivers will pick you up and drive you to the conference venue free of charge.

Oxford Park& Ride:


Please carefully note: you are responsible for your own travel to the Thornhill Park& ride stop. Under no circumstances the conference organisers can pick delegates up from any other location.

On arrival at Thornhill Park and Ride you should phone Peter Holland on: 07734213449 You will then be picked up and driven to the Waterperry House by one of our volunteers.

Please as soon as possible inform Peter about your travel arrangements. This is very important.

Peter’s email: petermholland36@hotmail.com

Wishing you safe travels to the Waterperry House and we are very much looking forward to welcoming you to the conference.


Conference Papers and Photo Gallery with the background music by DISCANTVS

The Conference, Waterperry House and Garden, Gala Dinner, HarrisManchesterCollege, University of Oxford and the Third GCGI Award Ceremony

‘From August 31 Until September 4th, around sixty individuals from many countries gathered at Waterperry House near Oxford for the GCGI Conference.  The conference attendees came from diverse backgrounds, divergent spiritual traditions, many distinct cultures, and philosophical points of view.  Many were teachers and professors, some were entrepreneurs, social and business, some were lawyers, and some were accomplished spiritual, political, and community leaders, to name but a few. All were united by a desire to make this world we live in more just, more equal, more ecological, and more relational.  For it is in relationships with one another and in our relationships with the earth and all the species and elements of nature that human beings find happiness, peace and purpose.

This year, we once again found a unity with one another, we found connection.  We found it in our search for truth and in our hopes to build a better world in ways both large and small. We listened intently to each other’s presentations.  We engaged in dialogue during the formal sessions, and again more informally as we ate together and shared perspectives.  What we hope for the world, we found in a special way, this year at Waterperry House.’

The 12th Annual GCGI Conference: Photo Gallery/Slide show