- Details
- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 7227
General Information
- Abstracts should be supplied in Microsoft Word (.doc)
- Please use Georgia as your font. 12 point or larger fonts should be used throughout, with the title presented in 14 point and Bold
- Present the title and author list centred, while the paragraphs of the abstract should be left justified. Please ensure that the presenting author’s name is underlined in the author list. Please also provide a contact e-mail.
- Please provide a short biographical note (not more than 100 words)
- Abstracts are limited to one page of text (not more than 500 words in total)
Submission of Abstracts
The conference welcomes abstracts from academicians, researchers, activists, organizers, officials, post-grad/ doctoral students, and others specializing in a range of disciplines, including, education, theology, philosophy, ethics, history, political science, international relations, conflict analysis and peace research, economics, business studies, law, sociology, media studies and journalism, psychology, health sciences and medicine, environmental studies and geography. Contributions are also invited from persons in government, civil society, diplomacy, law, the media, the health professions and business, as well as those involved in religious and Interreligious dialogue. Proposals that adopt an inter/multi-disciplinary, intercultural or Interreligious perspective are especially welcome.
Proposals should be received no later than 15 May, 2016. We very much welcome early submission of abstracts.
All proposals will be assessed by an inter-disciplinary committee, and applicants will be informed of the Organizing Committee's decision in an ongoing process, so as to facilitate the applicants’ travelling arrangements.
Paper Presentations
In addition to the keynote speakers and plenary sessions, it is envisaged that three parallel sessions/roundtables will also be organised to facilitate longer presentations and Q&A periods.
Presenters are strongly encouraged not to read their papers verbatim: draft papers, or at least a working summary of it will be available on the web site prior to the conference beginning. We hope that presenters will instead speak to the significant points raised in their papers, encouraging dialogue, engagement and a rewarding debate. The Conference does not accept papers for presentation in abstention or via electronic means.
Publications Process
All speakers should initially provide the Conference with a short version of their papers (up to 1500 words maximum) by 1 June 2016.
These papers will be posted on the GCGI Conference Homepage and will be made available to all the participants in advance of the Conference, to encourage a better and deeper understanding of the topics and more fruitful debate and dialogue. *(Please follow the same rules as those for the Abstract Submission, see above)
All papers accepted for and presented at the conference will be eligible for inclusion in our e-journal, GCGIJ
Selected papers may be invited to go forward for development into 15-20 page chapters for publication in a themed ISBN hard copy volume. The decision whether to proceed to hard copy publication will be taken by the Organising Chairs, the host institute, the Steering Group, and the Conference Partners within four weeks of the conference close and is subject to availability of funding.
Please submit your abstract to Prof. Kamran Mofid