The Eighth Annual Globalization for the Common Good:
An Inter-faith Perspective
May 31 – June 4, 2009
Loyola University • Chicago, Illinois, USA
Download the Programme
Chicago 2009 Conference Announcement
in Adobe .pdf format
Loyola University, Chicago’s Jesuit University, is delighted to have hosted the eighth annual conference of Globalization for the Common Good. Participants agreed that it was a tremendous success. The organizers extend their thanks to the 99 extraordinary presenters who made the program the most comprehensive yet in an 8-year series. And we're grateful to the 250 persons who took time to attend one or more days of this wonderful gathering.
We hope you enjoy this web site and take advantage of the many resources it offers now and will offer in the weeks and months to come (including full download capability for many of the papers presented at the event).
The conference was a featured part of Loyola University’s 2009 celebration of 100 years as a university.
It was the eighth in the annual international series, under the auspices of Globalization for the Common Good – An Interfaith Perspective (founded by Dr. Kamran Mofid).
The Conference was convened by four organizations:
- The Interreligious Engagement Project (IEP21)
- The Center for Ethics, Loyola University Chicago
- The Center for Global Studies at Purdue University Calumet
- Globalisation for the Common Good
It was jointly chaired by Mr. Jim Kenney (IEP21), Dr. William French (Loyola University), Dr. Yahya Kamalipour (Purdue University Calumet), and Dr. Kamran Mofid (GCG).
Previous conferences were held in:
Oxford (2002), St Petersburg (2003), Dubai (2004), Kericho, Kenya (2005), Honolulu (2006), Istanbul (2007), and Melbourne (2008).