‘Credit and Faith: On Economics and Theology’
“Humanity and Economy at the crossroads”
“Spiritual Activism “
“The Way to Do is to Be”: Gabriele Castagnoli
“Who cares about media consumption as a private and public behaviour?
“Youth Time and Rhodes Youth Forum: Introduction
12th Annual GCGI Conference and the 2nd Joint GCGI and SES Forum: Final Programme
13th GCGI Conference, Waterperry House: A Report and Reflection by Prof. Steve Szeghi
13th GCGI International Conference and the 3rd Joint GCGI and SES Forum
13th GCGI International Conference and the 3rd Joint GCGI and SES Forum: Final Programme
2002 - Oxford Conference Program
2003 - St. Petersburg Conference Program
2004 - Dubai Conference Program
2005 - Kenya Conference Program
2005 Kenya Declaration
2006 - Hawaii Conference Program
2006 Hawaii Declaration
2007 - Istanbul Conference Program
2007 Istanbul Conference, List of Speakers
2007 Istanbul Declaration
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