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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 5805
"Bankers drowning in money. Out of touch politicians. Unaccountable quangocrats. Not for generations have those who run Britain been so far removed from the common man"
The empty space at the center of the so-called "British" democracy is defined ultimately by its failed political institutions. At the highest level of politics, there is no one who now reliably speaks for the people, no one who listens patiently to their concerns or teaches them the hard facts involved in governing decisions. There is no major institution committed to mobilizing the power of citizens concerning their own interests and aspirations. Wherever you look, wherever you go, its all about short-term profit maximisation, cost minimisation, privatisation, deregulation, self-regulation, greed is good, who gets the best and the most bonuses, regardless of the outcome or the results, and more.
No respect and no regard for the greater good,the common good. Full speed exploitation of people, resources and the environment. The land, the people, their dreams and aspirations, have all been hijacked by a small group of out of touch, self-interested, greedy elites. Profits, the benefits, all privatised, whilst the costs have all been socialised. Perhaps you think I have gone too far in my criticism. But, the same is being said, by many others, including Ferdinand Mount, who is not only a baronet and Old Etonian himself, but he also ran the Number 10 Policy Unit under Margaret Thatcher and then headed the Right-wing Centre For Policy Studies.
In a provocative and very telling new book, The New Few Or A Very British Oligarchy, Mount has shown how Britain has been retreating to the worst excesses of its past, when a handful of corrupt oligarchs dominated the lives of millions, with no accountability and transparency.
Dominic Sandbrook has written a good summary of Mount's book, which I invite you to read:
And one more relevant point, see also this article:
Cameron family fortune made in tax havens
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 11531
From Oxford 2002 to Oxford 2012: Portrait of a Great Journey for the Common Good
It is amazing to me that ten years have gone by so quickly. What began as a simple idea to share the practical wisdom of the common good, dialogue, generosity, kindness, and more has blossomed into an internationally recognized non-profit organization that has become a leading resource “inspiring people to do great things for the common good”.
From the very beginning, I knew that we will succeed, if we can reach-out to everybody around the world andbe an all volunteer network of individuals, while approaching our growth organically and focusing on our vision and mission.
As you might imagine, in the initial days when we began sharing our vision of doing things for the common good, we were met with a great deal of scepticism, apprehension, and thankfully, some warm embraces and love. We were energized by all of those early experiences and continued to find ways to build ideas, programmes and initiatives around our main message and theme of Globalisation for the Common Good.
Perhaps our greatest accomplishment has been our ability to bring Globalisation for the Common Good into the common vocabulary and awareness of a greater population along with initiating the necessary discussion as to its meaning and potential in our personal and collective lives.
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- Written by: Kamran Mofid
- Hits: 14731
See the Final Programme:
Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI)
Announcing the 10th Annual International Conference
It is a time to celebrate - The Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative Annual Conference Series turns 10 in 2012
From Oxford 2002 to Oxford 2012: Portrait of a Great Journey for the Common GoodPlater College, Oxford (2002)- St. Petersburg, Russia (2003)- Dubai, UAE (2004)- Nairobi and Kericho, Kenya(2005)- Chaminade University, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA (2006)-Fatih University, Istanbul, Turkey (2007)- Trinity College, University of Melbourne, Australia (2008)- Loyola University, Chicago, USA (2009)- California Lutheran University, Thousand Oaks, California, USA (2010)- Alexandria Bibliotheca, Alexandria, Egypt (2011—Postponed, due to the Revolution in Egypt)- School of Economic Science, Oxford Campus, Waterperry House, Oxford (2012)
Theology, Philosophy, Ethics, Spirituality and Economics: A Call to Dialogue
Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative (GCGI)
Annual Conference Series
"Sharing the Wisdom, Shaping the Dream:
Reclaiming the Moral and Spiritual Roots of Economics and Capitalism"
September 2-5, 2012
School of Economic Science
Waterperry House, Oxford
Waterperry Gardens, Oxford
School of Economic Science is delighted to announce that it will host the tenth annual conference of Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative.
This major global conference is being convened by Dr. Kamran Mofid, Founder, Globalisation for the Common Good Initiative and Mr. Ian Mason, Principal of the School of Economic Science.
Call for Presentations
The world today is facing a multitude of crises in politics, economics, finance, banking, energy, food, environment, education, and more, resulting in much uncertainty, fear and anxiety. There is no doubt we should see these crises, as well as others, such as terrorism, wars and xenophobia, as a wakeup call to action, to see things as they are. Moreover, the rapid and unsustainable rise in consumerism and materialism devoid of human and spiritual values, has seriously destroyed the fabric of society, and has catastrophically weakened the ethical, moral and spiritual dimensions of our communities. In short, the world is facing a crisis of values, ideas, and vision.
Complex world problems and intricate global issues require the coming together of multiple areas of expertise, experience, perspectives and insight.
The GCGI Oxford Conference is intended to be a multi- and inter-disciplinary dialogue that aims to bring together people from a wide range of disciplines, professions and NGOs to focus on what “Reclaiming the Moral and Spiritual Roots of Economics and Capitalism”, means and entails. We seek contributions from both practitioners and academics, and from the widest possible range of intellectual interests and commitment.
The great relevance and timeliness of this topic, and its theme, hardly needs to be stated: nothing is of greater importance at present than the necessity of keeping rigorous and constructive debate and dialogue between different disciplines, ideas and values to address the global economic and financial situations and conditions. We are convinced that much of the ongoing and steadily exacerbating discord arises from an unwillingness to communicate and bridge gaps in understanding, especially where issues of religion, philosophy, ethics, spirituality, economics, globalisation and capitalism are concerned.
In the spirit of dialogue, seeking alternative possible solutions, the conference, as well as its main theme, highlighted above, will also attempt to debate questions, such as:
Which paths should be recommended to shift the current destructive global political-economic order from one of unrestrained economic growth, profit maximisation and cost minimisation, leading to ecological degradation, and social inequity to one that preserves and enhances social and ecological well-being, as well as human happiness, contentment, and well-being?
Which ethical/spiritual sources should be considered in economic/business ethics and economic behaviour? How are the deeper needs of Happiness, meaningful life, death and beyond, community life, virtues, and values affected? How can we integrate these into economic theories and decisions? How can we deal with individual or institutionalized greed and self-absorption? What should be the role of universities in building an integrity-based model of business education? What are the requirements of a virtuous economy? How can we overcome poverty and scarcity with limited natural resources? What is the role of the next generation of business leaders? How should the training of young executives be directed? How should it supply insights into the nature of globalisation from diverse economic, technological, and spiritual perspectives? How should such education build support relationships among the participants that will lead to a deeper appreciation of the ethical aspects of business and finance; leading toward action for the common good within their chosen careers? In short, how can the intended outcome develop insight, commitment, and moral capacity in the participants to serve as leaders in the world community, working toward the global common good?
Submission of Abstracts
The conference welcomes abstracts from academicians, researchers, activists, organizers, officials, post-grad/ doctoral students, and others specializing in a range of disciplines, including, education, theology, philosophy, ethics, history, political science, international relations, conflict analysis and peace research, economics, business studies, law, sociology, media studies and journalism, psychology, health sciences and medicine, environmental studies and geography. Contributions are also invited from persons in government, civil society, diplomacy, law, the media, the health professions and business, as well as those involved in religious and Interreligious dialogue. Proposals that adopt an inter/multi-disciplinary, intercultural or Interreligious perspective are especially welcome.
Proposals should be received no later than Monday, April 2, 2012. We welcome early submission of abstracts.
Proposals should include:
- Title of proposed presentation, workshop, or roundtable
- A 250-word abstract, highlighting the proposal's relevance to one or other of the key themes outlined above.
- Author's name and institutional affiliation (if any); as well as an up-to 100 words biographical note on the presenter. Please include your email address and website, if available.
All proposals will be assessed by an inter-disciplinary committee, and applicants will be informed of the Organizing Committee's decision in an ongoing process, so as to facilitate the applicants’ travelling arrangements.
Please note:
Papers, Presentations and Workshops Papers should be of no more than 15 minutes duration (2000 words max). This is to allow a further 10 minutes for Q&A period. The time allotted to workshops will be considered on an individual basis. Other forms of presentation will be considered on request.
Presenters are strongly encouraged not to read their papers verbatim: draft papers, or at least a working summary of it will be available on the web site prior to the conference beginning. We hope that presenters will instead speak to the significant points raised in their papers, encouraging dialogue, engagement and a rewarding debate. The GCGI does not accept papers for presentation in abstention or via electronic means.
Publications Process All papers accepted for and presented at the conference will be eligible for inclusion in our e-journal, Journal of Globalization for the Common Good, which is hosted at Purdue University, USA.
Selected papers may be invited to go forward for development into 15-20 page chapters for publication in a themed ISBN hard copy volume. The decision whether to proceed to hard copy publication will be taken by the Organising Chairs, the host institute, and the Steering Group within four weeks of the conference close and is subject to availability of funding.
Please note that travel arrangements and costs are the responsibility of participants or their sponsoring institutions. The Conference Conveners are not able to offer financial support. However, as with other GCGI conferences, we will do our best, working as volunteers, drawing no income, organising the conference as a non-profit making event and more, to keep the costs to absolute minimum. Moreover, as in the past, if we succeed in developing collaborative ventures with others who wish to volunteer some funding, then, we will subsidise the costs even further for the benefit of all the participants.
This self-sustaining funding mechanism has been a key lynch pin of our independence and integrity. At no point in our history has the GCGI been so reliant on external sources that if external funding is removed, the GCGI cannot continue.
Please submit your abstract to Dr. Kamran Mofid
Email: k.mofid@gcgi.info
Travelling arrangements, accommodation, registration and fees
*Conference Venue and accommodation
The Conference venue is at Waterperry House and the Conference is residential.
*Travel Information
How to get to Oxford:
How to get to Waterperry Gardens and Waterperry House:
(Please note: Overseas delegates arriving at Heathrow or Gatwick, use “the Airline” bus service- see above: “How to get to Oxford”; all buses have OXF on the destination indicator; get off at “Park & Ride: Thornhill”. From here our team of volunteer drivers will pick you up and drive you to the conference venue free of charge.
The same service is also available to delegates from the UK, arriving at Oxford train or coach stations. On arrival, take the park and ride bus to the Thornhill Park& ride stop, from where our team of volunteer drivers will pick you up and drive you to the conference venue free of charge.
Oxford Park& Ride:
http://www.oxfordbus.co.uk/main.php?page_id=22 )
Please carefully note: you are responsible for your own travel to the Thornhill Park& ride stop. Under no circumstances the conference organisers can pick delegates up from any other location.
*Registration and Fees
(Please kindly note: School of Economic Science is a registered charity, and a non-profit-making institute. The philosophy and ethos of our host, which is in line with the values of GCGI, is based on volunteerism and service for the common good. Therefore, it is important to appreciate this, whilst noting the fees.)
Full Conference Fee
(Sunday –mid-day- 2 September 2012 to Wednesday-mid-day-5 September 2012): £100.00GBP per delegate
To cover admittance to all presentations, buffet lunches, morning coffee breaks, dinner on Monday 3 September, and the Conference Dinner on Tuesday 4 September. A simple snack will also be provided on Sunday the 2nd of September during the arrival period.
Kamran and Annie Mofid have volunteered to prepare the dinner for Monday 3 September)
Day – Delegate Conference Fee
To cover admittance to presentations, morning coffee, and buffet lunch on day indicated: £25.00 per delegate
B&B Single room: £80.00 Per person for 3 nights
B&B Twin room: £50.00 per person for 3 nights
B&B Multiple occupancy (3 or 4): £36.00 per person for 3 nights
(Please note: Whilst no rooms have private bathrooms, there are plenty of modern shower and bathrooms very conveniently located to each and every room throughout the House.)
Grand total, fully inclusive as outlined above:
- Single occupancy: £180.00 per delegate
- Twin room occupancy: £150.00 per delegate
- Multiple occupancy: £136.00 per delegate
Payment of Fees:
Early bird: if paid by 2 May 2012
All fees as noted above.
Late Fee: if registered after 2 May 2012, all fees as above, plus 10% extra
Please note: For all advance enquiry about registration contact Mr. Peter Holland.
Email: petermholland36@hotmail.com
All cheques to be made payable to ‘The School of Economic Science’ and sent for the attention of Mr. Peter Holland, School of Economic Science, 11 Mandeville Place,
London W1U 3AJ. Fees quoted are in Pounds Sterling. Payment must be made at these rates in Pounds Sterling.
Credit card payments are possible from mid- March by phoning the School of Economic Science. Details to be provided shortly.